July 15, 2008

A poem..
It's another morning and the sun is high

Birds diving away in the cool blue skies..
Yet if all this were to perish and I were to die
I'd pick one truth over a thousand lies...

It's only obvious that the seeker sighs
For beauty surrounds the beautiful eye..
Not wanting, not needing nor having to try
Is the secret to have all the goodness come by..

All trust or hope or faith or despair
Are only reflections of your inner affair..
In the knowing of this will confusion survive?
With clarity streaking for you to revive..

Kindness is a virtue, but some may doubt
It really is self love turned inside out..
So when the crowd looks rude and fate seems blind
I've learned, but only to be more kind..

Of beauty, of color, of grace and of blessing
Of rhythm, of magic pristine and enchanting..
The reason for all of your seeking and yearning
Is a return to that joy at the depths of your being..


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